Terms & Conditions
Please remember to inspect ALL items for damages upon arrival. AeroLuxe offers a 7 day grace period for damaged items in order to submit a shipping damage claim. It is the receiver’s responsibility to check for damages within the given time frame in order to be eligible for returns/exchanges. AeroLuxe customers may return undamaged products within 30 days of the delivery date. All approved returns are subject to a 20% restocking fee. Original shipping cost is non-refundable. Buyers is also responsible for the shipping costs back to our returns department. No returns, cancellations or refund allowed on custom ordered products and special orders once they are processed.
To be eligible for a return, the item must be in the same condition that the Customer received it. The Customer may also need to provide the invoice, receipt or proof of purchase. A Return Material Authorization (RMA) number and/or PayPal return request ID may be required for returns.
Order Cancellations are subject to a 15% cancellation fee if orders have been paid in full but has not yet been processed or shipped out and if customers wish to cancel due to buyer’s remorse. This is due to our web provider and merchant charging cancellation fees when issuing an order cancellation or refund.
If the item is severely damaged upon receiving, we will do our best to make things right in order to make our customers happy. This applies mainly to all of our carbon fiber products. Damage to FRP (fiberglass)/ABS/Poly products will depend on the severity or if the item is not able to be used or repaired. When working with FRP, it is often normal for signs of stress cracks and chipping which is part of the paint and prep process. Our FRP/ABS/Poly products will all need to be fitted and prepped before paint and should be done by a professional body shop.
Customer service is what we strive for. Damaged items will be replaced or refunded at our expense if the item was indeed damaged or received damaged from shipping pending investigation and approval with the shipping company. We will issue you a shipping label if needed to return the damaged item back to us. Once returned, we will then go through the necessary steps in refunding you. Damaged claim items are only valid 1 week after receiving said item. We are not responsible for any damaged items after 1 week from delivery as this is a grace period for you to check your purchased items as soon as they are received.